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Our retrofitting services are designed to fit the changing needs YOUR electrification projects


The Brief

When a client approaches RTZ for Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) conversions, a detailed brief is essential. This brief outlines the types of vehicles for conversion, specific run and charge times, the scale of the conversion project, and the integration of renewable energy sources.

Such a comprehensive approach ensures that the conversion process is tailored to meet the client's operational requirements while also aligning with sustainability goals.


Concept Engineering & Project Planning

First, we create a preliminary design that takes into account the vehicle / machine specifications and client needs. We require measuring the energy balance of the vehicle or machine during operation to properly specify the battery and charging infrastructure. Conforming with the clients need we provide a proposal for the vehicle / machine conversion and charging infrastructure.


We deliver a proposal including project design, preliminary design, cost-benefit analysis, TCO-estimates and energy balance.


Start of the Retrofit - Basic Engineering

Once the proposal is agreed upen, we officially start the project. We conduct further measurements on the vehicle to ensure a perfect fit.

The Basic Engineering phase includes component list, project plan, precise cost & time estimates.​


At the end of this phase we order the required components for the build. Lead times for batteries and components are usually long and can be up to six months. The components are shipped to Switzerland to be expertly assembled. 


Detail Engineering & Installation

We further refine the Basic Engineering during the Detail Engineering phase, while assembling the components in Switzerland. Meanwhile we set up shop at our clients site to ready the logistics involved with the conversion. 

Once the components are thoroughly assembled and tested in Switzerland, they are shipped to our clients premises for installation.

The disassembly and assembly is carried out expeditiously.


Testing and Handover

Once the assembly and installation is finished, we conduct on field testing on the vehicle / machine and charging infrastructure to ensure the performance matches up with the foreseen numbers to the full satisfaction of our clients.

We do performance and load testing to ensure maximum safety and reliability. Furthermore we can help with certifications if requested by our clients.​


Maintenance and Remote Monitoring

Operations can be commenced with the brand new vehicle / machine.

We offer training and charging guidelines. Power electronics, inverters and motors have an expected lifetime of over 15 years and batteries have to be changed every 5-10 years, thus making maintenance far easier.

“You can dream, create, design, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it requires people to make the dream a reality.” 


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